Trash and recycling must be out by 7:00 a.m. on your collection day.
Curbside Trash and Solid Waste Guidelines
- Place trash at the curb by 7 a.m. on your trash day – Your trash must be out by7 a.m. Pick-up cannot be guaranteed if trash is placed at the curb later than 7 a.m. The trash pick up schedule will be impacted during weeks which include a Town of Lexington observed holiday.
- Visible Recycling Ban – Any visible recyclables in the trash will be left behind by the trash collectors who will leave stickers explaining why the items were not picked up. The Town strictly enforces the State Waste Bans which forbid recyclables from entering the waste stream. Click through for more information on Lexington’s Visible Recyclable Ban.
- Six (6) bag/barrel limit per week – An exception is made on this limit when moving. You must call JRM in advance of the move. 1-800-323-4285.
APPROVED CONTAINERS Put all waste in approved containers only. Do not stuff containers beyond their capacity or have items protruding out of the top of the barrels. Cracked or broken containers that are empty will be collected as waste. All containers are used at the owner’s risk. Approved containers include:
Plastic bags that are at least 1.5 mils thick. The bags must not exceed 3 cubic feet (30 gallons) in content, or 40 pounds in weight. The bags must be tightly sealed or tied.
Metal containers should be watertight, rust-resistant, have handles and tight-fitting covers. The containers must not exceed 3 cubic feet (32 gallons) in content or 50 pounds in weight.
Plastic barrels must be heat and water-resistant, must have handles and tight-fitting covers. They must not exceed 3 cubic feet (32 gallons) in content, or 50 pounds in weight. The waste collector is not responsible for plastic containers that crack during cold weather.
NUMBER OF CONTAINERS Waste collectors will pick up a maximum of six (6) approved containers per week, one bulky object (see Sect. IV. D.), and five (5) bundles of branches over 1 inch in diameter (for preparation see Sect. IV. E.).
- One (1) Bulky Item per week – Bulky items are those that will not fit into an approved container including: mattresses, box springs, sofas, recliners, auto tires (without rim, 1 per week), storm doors, large toys, lawn furniture, and rugs (cut into 4 ft. lengths, rolled and tied – no more than 15 rolls of carpet at a time). Not to exceed 75 pounds.
- CRTs (TV’s, monitors, CPUs) – State law prohibits disposal of CRTs in regular trash because of their high lead content. CRTs may be scheduled for curb pickup by JRM by appointment. Please call them at 800-323-4285 by 3 p.m. the day before your regular trash day to have the CRTs collected on your regular trash day.
- Appliance (White Good) and Large Metal Item pick up is by appointment – Call JRM at 1-800-323-4285 to schedule a pick up on the same day as your regular trash and recycling collection. Appointments must be scheduled by 3 p.m. on the day before the collection. Acceptable items include stoves, refrigerators, microwaves, washing machines, dryers, metal desks, bed frames, air conditioners, file cabinets, wood stoves, dehumidifiers, grills (without propane tank), and water heaters. Snow blowers and lawnmowers can also be picked up, but they must be completely drained of oil.
Trash/recycling pickup will be delayed on the following legal holidays.
- When holidays fall Monday through Friday, residents whose regular trash day falls on or after that holiday will experience a one-day delay in their trash and recycling collection.
- Saturday holidays do not impact trash and recycling collection.