For the City’s weekly bulky item pickup service, call (818) 238-3805 a minimum of two business days prior to the refuse collection day in your neighborhood. You may also email your request to Please include your name, address, description of item(s) and where they are being placed, such as on the grassy parkway area near your refuse containers or in the alley, and your trash collection day. If you do not know the refuse collection day in your neighborhood, or if you live in an apartment, call 818-238-3800. Bulky items must be placed a minimum of (5) five feet away from fixed objects.
Bulky Item collections are sent to the landfill and not recycled (electronics, metal appliances, mattresses and box springs are the exceptions) so please use this option last. Donating or selling items will help extend the life of items and give someone else a chance to enjoy them.
If you have applied for a refrigerator rebate, please call (818) 238-3800 before putting out your refrigerator for bulky item pickup. Refrigerator doors must be removed. For refrigerator rebate information, visit the Burbank Water and Power website at or call BWP Conservation at (818) 238-3730.
In the event that the solid waste crew is unable to remove your bulky item on your regular trash pick up day due to the weight or size of the item, it will be tagged and collected on the Friday following your refuse collection day.
Image by photosforyou from Pixabay