Because everyone benefits when the County is kept litter free, we are always looking to find ways to enhance our cleanup efforts. You will find information on those efforts below. Thank you for your help keeping the wave of the future clean.
Countywide Cleanup Days
Elmore County offers FREE Countywide Cleanup Days every month (normally on the 2nd Saturday) from 9:00am to 1:00pm at six locations across the County. This service is provided free of charge. Please view the Cleanup Days Flyer for more information. The Countywide Cleanup dates are also posted on the website Calendar of Events.
Countywide Recycling Program
In 2010, the Elmore County Commission envisioned and began working towards a comprehensive Countywide recycling program for Elmore County residents. The recycling goal being to help reduce solid waste by 25%. For more information, please check out the Elmore County Recycling page.
INTERACTIVE MAP of Countywide Cleanup & Recycling Sites
Recycling sites are in green and Cleanup sites are in white
Use the “Find address or place” to determine sites near you
Click on a green or white pushpin for location details
Click > icon for the legend
Garbage Collection
For residents of Elmore County living outside any municipal limits, garbage collection service is available through Advanced Disposal. Trash pickup in Elmore County is on a weekly basis. For more information, please call Advanced Disposal toll-free at (866) 252-0458 or visit the Advanced Disposal website.
Citizens can help control litter by securely bagging and sealing all household waste put into Advanced Disposal containers. Bagging household garbage ensures that trash does not blow out of the disposal truck once it is picked up from a residence. Advanced Disposal trucks use an automated arm to pick up containers and dump waste in the truck. Therefore, all bagged garbage must be put in the garbage container in order to be picked up. If you have concerns regarding trash pickup, please contact Advanced Disposal (866-252-0458).
Litter Crews
Elmore County also has supervised inmate litter crews operating daily throughout the summer to keep roadsides clean. If you know of a road that has been turned into an unauthorized dump, or if you notice a road heavily strewn with litter on the right of way, please call (334) 567-1162 to report it.
Miscellaneous Environmental
Elmore County does not have an ordinance for junk yards, dilapidated homes or overgrown grass. If you believe any of these issues may be a health hazard, please contact the Elmore County Health Department to survey the situation at (334) 567-1171. Please visit the Elmore County Health Department website for more information.
Elmore County does not spray for mosquitoes. The best way to fight mosquitoes is to prevent them from multiplying. Eliminating all sources of standing water around your home will reduce mosquito breeding and will help prevent their spread. You may also purchase mosquito briquettes or dunks to kill the mosquitoes.
Elmore County does not currently provide debris or limb removal. These items can be bagged and put in your trash can or taken to one of the ten different locations available on Countywide Cleanup Days. Limbs or debris may be burned if the County is not under a burn restriction at the time. Information on burn restrictions can be viewed on the Alabama Forestry Commission Website.
Paint waste, from a household, may be disposed at Stone’s Throw Landfill once the paint has solidified. For hours and disposal rates, please call (334) 252-1210. If paint waste is from a business, it is subject to a hazardous waste determination and requires special approval from Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) prior to disposal. To obtain a hazardous waste approval, please contact Blake Pruitt at (334) 271-7756 or Mike Cruise at (334) 271-7938.