Collection of normal household waste and garbage will be performed by Charles Blosenski Disposal Company in accordance with Chapter 20 of the Code of Ordinances. Trash containers must be placed at the curb for collection, but not before 4:00 p.m. the day prior to collection. Uncollected trash must be removed from the curb. When a holiday occurs on your scheduled collection day, please refer to the borough calendar for the revised schedule.
Collection Schedule:
- Monday – South side
- Tuesday – North side
2017 Holiday Schedule
- No trash: May 29, Sept 4, Dec 25
- Revised Schedule: May 30 (S), May 31 (N); Sept 5 (S), Sept 6 (N), Dec 26 (S), Dec 27 (N)
Trash Collection
Charles Blosenski Disposal Company is your trash collector. The collection days are Monday for the south side, and Tuesday for the north side. Recycling collection is Tuesday for both sides. You will receive a quarterly billing from the borough. Invoices are payable to Royersford Borough in person at Borough Hall or online at No payments will be taken by phone. If you have any problems with your trash or recycling collection please contact Charles Blosenski Disposal Company at 610-942-2480. If you do not get a resolution to your trash or recycling concern please call Borough Hall at 610-948-3737.
For your reference listed below are the trash regulations:
No more than six trash cans/bags per week for collection.
All receptacles shall be waterproof with lids and not exceed in capacity 32 gallons.
The borough will offer one (1) bulk item per month your last pickup day of the month. Please do not break apart your bulk item.
Trash needs to be placed at the curb no later than 6AM on your designated trash day.
Where any such rubbish is too bulky to be placed in a proper receptacle, it must be disassembled, broken or cut up as much as practicable and placed on the curb on the prescribed collection day. All such rubbish shall be securely tied, where applicable, and such size that the longest dimension thereof shall not exceed four (4) feet. Such bundles or packages shall be of a size and construction so as to permit ease of handling by one man.
The following items will not be picked up for trash:
Tires, televisions, construction material, refrigerators, air conditioners, or automotive parts.
Charles Blosenski Disposal Company offer additonal bulk trash services to residents on an as needed basis. Please refer to the link below for the fee schedule. Fee Schedule
Please see the links below for the 2017 Collection locations:
2017 Household Hazardous Waste Event
2017 Shredding Event
2017 Tire Collection Event
Please see the links below for proper disposal of latex paint and prescription drugs:
Latex Paint Disposal
The Borough of Royersford contracts with Charles Blosenski Disposal Company to provide once a week (Tuesday) recycling service to residents. The Borough’s recycling program is a commingled curbside collection program, meaning that all recyclables may be mixed together in your green recycling bin.
Please see the link below for items that can be recycled:
Royersford Borough Recycling Program
The amount of your sewer bill is based on the number of residential or commercial units on your property, flat rate, or the volume of water consumption as metered by Pennsylvania American Water Company. Excessive water consumption caused by watering lawns, washing cars and driveways or leaking plumbing fixtures will be reflected in higher sewer bills.
Sewer bills are mailed during the first week of January, April, July and October. Payments may be made by mail, online, or in person at the Borough Office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., weekdays. Payments after hours can be deposited in the drop box located in the front vestibule of the Municipal Building.
You can pay your sewer/trash invoice using:
- Check
- Money Order
- Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express (convenience fee will apply)
- Electronic Check Payments (convenience fee will apply)
The Borough of Royersford has initiated a program to reduce groundwater and stormwater infiltration into the Sanitary Sewer System. The primary source of the infiltration is through cracks in the sewer piping and illegal stormwater connections. Sump pumps, foundation, floor and area drains, and downspout connections to the Sanitary System are illegal and results in increased treatment costs. The Borough approach to eliminating this problem will be as follows:
- Repair or replace sewers.
- Lining sections of sewers.
- Performing smoke testing to identify stormwater connections.
Beginning in November, 2012, the Borough has contracted with a firm to install a liner in approximately 3400 feet of sewer main in various sections of the Borough. Residents will be given one week notice of when the work will be done on their street with instructions for water use restrictions on the day of installation. All work will be done in one day. Workers will also place door hangers on the resident’s doors 24 hours prior to the work commencing. Please note that the liner will temporarily emit a chemical smell during installation. PLEASE DO NOT BECOME ALARMED; THIS IS NORMAL.