Accurate trash Removal

Accurate trash Removal

Accurate Recycling, Accurate Trash Removal and Accurate Metals offer exceptional service to each customer, every day. We are a family owned and operated organization that faces many challenges, to which we answer in unparalleled service that our customers have grown to appreciate. We realize how difficult it can be to win a new customer, and…

Trash Removal Lancaster PA

Trash Removal Lancaster PA

Monday – Sectors 1, 2 and 3 Tuesday – Sectors 8, 11 and 12 Wednesday – Sectors 9 and 10 Thursday – Sectors 6 and 7 Friday – Sectors 4 and 5 To determine your sector, visit the City Map and select “City Sectors and Trash Pickup.” Yard waste collection takes place on the first…

BFI trash Schedule

BFI trash Schedule

City of Olive Branch Utility Department 9200 Pigeon Roost Rd. Olive Branch, MS 38654 Payments (checks only) can be placed in our payment drop box located at the rear of City Hall. Write your account number on your check and attach the stub. The City contracts with Allied/BFI Waste Services for garbage pickup once a…

Average trash bill

Average trash bill

Although the average utility costs per month for an apartment can differ depending on factors such as the cost of living in your area and whether or not some utilities are included in rent, there are a few guidelines you can use to figure out if what you’re paying is normal. If you think you’re…

Got trash NJ

Got trash NJ

Got Trash? is a family owned and operated junk removal and dumpster truck company in New Jersey. We have been in the garbage and trash removal business for many years and love the business. In fact, it is in our blood! Our parents and grandparents removed debris and garbage in the old country of Europe…